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pray for me

As a soon-to-be missionary, there is no greater or more powerful tool than prayer. Please consider committing to praying for me in these few months before my trip, and especially while I am gone.

Here are some general requests that  you can always pray for:


-God's clear direction and guidance 


-Safety through my upcoming travels to and from the island


-Confidence in God's ability to use my strengths and weaknesses to bless the people I am serving.


-Patience and peace through these next few months of preparations.

Here is a little list of current prayer needs:

-Prepare my heart!! I am so excited to be given the opportunity to go to the island for the school year, but please pray to keep my heart humble, cautious, and wise. 


-Partner development. Anyone who's been financially supported on some kind of mission trip understands how hard it can be to raise support. Everyone was so generous in getting my support to 100% for my last trip, and I know God will do it again. But please pray for perseverance and patience for me :)

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